St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
LO: To write a powerful description
Maths - Year 5
LO: To complete fractions number sequences
Maths Year 6
LO: To place fractions on a number line
LO: When and where did World War Two take place?
If you did not do yesterday's history lesson, please do that first
Today we will find out more about World War Two and do two different activities, one to find out more about WHEN the main events of World happened and the other to find out WHERE World War Two affected.
First, watch this video from BBC Teach.
Now, colour a map of the countries involved in World War Two.
If you can print, use the colouring map and lists to colour the countries involved in the war. I have also attached a world map in case you need it.
If you can't print, see if you can point to the countries and discuss with an adult. Make sure you use different colours for the different groups of countries and complete the key.
New topic today! We are going to be learning about scientists and inventors.
Start by completing the cover page.
LO:To explore the work of Anning, Wallace and Darwin on evolution.