St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 1's. I wonder if we will see some sunshine today? I'm hoping it is saving itself ready for our Summer holidays!
Our Religion task is on our 'Everybody Week 14' page which you can get to from the link below and your maths task for today is below that.
Our afternoon topic link is just under that.
Our Maths Learning Today
Yesterday we looked at telling the time to the hour; o'clock and today we learn to tell the time to the half hour. Watch the learning video below...
Link to our afternoon curriculum topic areas
Yesterday in class our Year 1 children started work on their acrylic paint Vincent Van Gogh 'Sunflower' paintings. We are only half way through so we will complete these tomorrow afternoon.