St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Hit The Button
This website is highly recommended for practising number bonds, doubling and halving, times tables, division and multiplication facts and square numbers. It helps children to remember number facts quickly and is fun to play.
It's suitable for all abilities and ages and children can compete against themselves to try to beat their previous scores. Click on the 'circle' and then select the difficulty you want to practise. Simply answer the question by 'hitting the button' with the correct answer.
Mental Maths Train
This game is also suitable for all abilities. Click on the picture of the train to open it and then on the operation you want to use (+, -, x, ÷), then, choose the skill you want to develop. A question appears at the top of the screen and possible answers are given on train carriages. Click on the answer and get that train moving!