St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning year 2's. Please could I ask you to read the year 1 start of the day web page for our first session. This includes notes on...
This is because our activities are very similar. One difference is the sheets you will need from your pack for today. Yours are these...
Our maths activity today will follow on from our shape work from Monday. If you go back to Monday and click on the maths powerpoint you will be looing at 'Lesson 2'. Following this you will need your worksheets titled 'Count sides of 2D shapes'. There are 3 sheets altogether. Good luck!
Remember you can also log onto espresso and practice your skills on their maths games and revisit my maths games too. Your login for espresso (discovery education) is in your main letter pack.
Their 'News Bites' page is great for keeping an eye on what's going on in the world and you can challenge yourself with the quiz. Their website has been running slow so you may need to be patient.
This afternoon it is science. From your Year 2 science pack please complete the sheet 'Magic Materials'. If you fancy an extra challenge cut out a challenge from the next page entitled 'challenges', stick it in your working from home book and then you have somewhere to record your ideas. Again, discovery education will have science pages, videos and activites too. I will try to add on links soon.
Finally, make time to relax and have some home choosing time. Draw, listen to music, build some models or enjoy some fresh air in your garden. We all need time to just be still too.
Enjoy your day and if you have any problems just email and I will do my best to help.