St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Geography- Anywhere Island Project Week 5
Your Island has become very famous! Everyone wants to visit to get a glimpse of the rare species you have discovered. People are offering you a lot of money to do this. Suddenly your phone hasn’t stopped ringing, you’re getting hundreds of emails, DMs, facebook messages and tweets! Your discovery was gone viral!
The television reporters, film crews and nature enthusiasts want to come to your island now! How will they travel there, where will they stay, what will they eat and drink, how long will you allow them to stay, will there be anything else for them to see or do on your island, will you need to employ staff to help you, where will they live? There is a lot to think about. Today, you will be developing a eco-tourism industry that provides answers to these questions and shows you care about the environment and the people living on your Island
1) I would like you to click on the link below. It will take you to the ‘St.Paul’s Videos’ page. Scroll down to the section titled ‘Brunel’ to watch me read a story titled 'Where the Forest Meets the Sea.' Watch this video before starting the activity.
2) After you have watched this, click and read your final 'Anywhere Island Project' activity.
Before half term in PSHE and Geography, I asked you to listen and enjoy a story titled, ‘The Promise’ and reflect on the following:
• Think about the message being delivered and what we can learn from it.
• Think about how this book might help you manage your Island? What promises you and your Islands’ people might make and keep.
• Think about how about how one small action can create a difference.
During our RE lessons, we often look at passages in the bible and discuss what they mean for us today as followers of Jesus. The Psalms say: ‘Look how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity.’ I would like you to think of 5 promises/commandments that the people of your island and its’ visitors will keep.
For example: