Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 11th February

Good more sleep everyone!

Here are the Zoom sessions for today

Check the blog for details of who is doing what. Fingers crossed my internet is well behaved. wink

  • 11am – Year 5 maths drop in – short multiplication
  • 11:30am - Year 6 maths drop in – short multiplication
  • 1pm - Small Group Reading - check the blog for group details
  • 1:30pm - Small Group Reading -  check the blog for group details
  • 2pm to 2:15pm – Maths Assessment Marking - open to all
  • 2:15 - School Council Meeting
  • 2:30 - Small Group Reading -  check the blog for group details

192 Times Tables

  1. 10 minutes.
  2. Mark your answers.
  3. Record your scores on the Padlet.

If you are unable to do the 192 for any reason, please check your My Maths and use the time to do one or two of the tasks set.  (I set some more yesterday for you)


Statistics Assessment

  • To finish our unit of work on statistics, I would like you to do this assessment today.   Take as long as you need to answer them.
  • You don't need to print the sheets to complete it.
  • You can have the questions read to you if you wish, but try to answer them without any help.    (I have saved a voice recording of the questions, so stop and start it to give you time to answer)
  • I will be hosting a live Zoom session at 2pm to go through the answers.
  • If you did the alternative 'time' activity yesterday, you might find the next lesson of that video series more appropriate, so go back to Wednesday.

Maths Assessment Audio Recording


LO: To describe the 'character' of a character!

(Scroll down for an alternative activity if you are not following this novel)

  1. Read the character profile of Malkin. (You may wish to print this out)
  2. Find any words or phrases that describe his character strengths or weaknesses. 
  3. Find any parts that compare or contrast any of his strengths or weaknesses.
  • Bronze: The first paragraph
  • Silver: The first two paragraphs
  • Gold: All three paragraphs
  • (I have attached some possible answers in case you get stuck)


4.    What character strengths (or weaknesses) do you think Lily or Robert   possess?  There is a choice of activities....

  • You could write a character profile in the same style as the example,
  • Or, draw the character and write their character strengths / weaknesses around the picture,
  • Or, create a video or voice recording of your opinions.

What you need to make sure you include, is that you include words to describe the character's character strengths and weaknesses and explain WHY, using information from the text.


For an extra  GOLD challenge, can you include comparisons or contrasts?

Alternative English Lesson

A Tale of Two Feathers

  1. Open the PowerPoint and place it in 'slide show' and play from the beginning. (It's split into two as it was quite large)
  2. By clicking on the blue question mark circles, questions are revealed for each page, which can be discussed.
  3. I have saved a PDF of the book as well in case it's needed.
  4. I have saved some instructions for a bird-feeder, which might be a fun half term activity. 


LO: To compose something on a virtual musical instrument

  • A bit of fun for you today, to get you experimenting and exploring online virtual instruments. 
  • I've posted links to a piano and drum machine, but feel free to explore the options on the website.  Just have a go! 
  • Of course, feel free to post videos of your efforts on the blog or email them to me.  Enjoy!