St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning I hope you are all well. Our day is as follows;
1)I have posted a collective worship on our 'Everybody week 2' page .
2)Our Writing/RE poem is explained on our 'Everybody week 2' page.
3)Your maths is explained below.
4)Our Religion/Art work is explained on our 'Everybody week 2' page.
Enjoy your activities!
As the children are now familiar with sorting shapes, they will progress to sorting the shapes in more than one way, e.g. colour, number of sides and lines of symmetry. They will be able to describe how they have sorted them using key terminology (sides, vertex, lines of symmetry) and also identify how they can check if they have sorted the shapes correctly.
Ask questions such as:
How can we sort these shapes?
How have these shapes been sorted? Can they be sorted in a different way?
How can we check if they have been sorted correctly?