St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
L.O. To use noun phrases
Yesterday, you reminded yourself about what noun phrases are and how to use them.
Today, click on the link to the padlet to do some writing using noun phrases. Write at least 10 sentences using noun phrases to describe either one of the characters or a setting from The Wind in the Willows.
I will be online checking between 9 and 10, so I can approve your posts and you will be able to comment on each other's work. I will be awarding Dojo Point for people who complete this task on the padlet.
L.O. To practise division
Here is a nice easy way to finish the work on division. You've seen these colouring sheets before. When you have worked out the answer to each questions, look at the key at the bottom of the sheet to find out what colour you should colour each section.
If you don't have a printer, you can have a go at the division games on the website below.
Music (Optional)
Here is the link to Young Voices at home live on Facebook. If you are able to and have permission to use your parents' facebook account, you can watch live at 11:00. If not, I will post the YouTube clip for you to watch tomorrow. It's Craig McLeish today and he loves input from viewers!
L.O. TO understand erosion and deposition
You can work through the powerpoint below to find out about erosion and deposition. Make sure you watch my 'documentary' too!
For your task, can you explain what erosion and deposition is. You can draw a series of diagrams to help you to explain.
Or, if you are feeling creative, you could create your own video explaining what happens!