St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Beech families,
Welcome to our final week of learning from home! It has been an incrdible journey and we are so proud of you all, you have been working so hard, both children and parents! We want to say a massive thank you for all you have done so far. We are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school a week today!
This is the plan for today:
PE ideas
If the weather continues to be nice, you may wish to be outdoors with your family either in the garden or going for walk. Alternatively here are some videos you may find helpful:
If you are on track with your spellings, then Year 1 children should be tested on stage 34 and Year 2 children be tested on stage 45 today. That means that today, Year 1 new spellings are Stage 35 and Year 2 Spellings are stage 46. If you are a little behind, don't worry.
Speed Sounds
Today the Set 2 sound is 'ou' and the Set 3 sound is 'ea'. Please watch the following short videos:
Please remember that reading and spelling words using the sound for the day is the priority, and that the other videos are there for you to to use if you have the time and want to do a little extra.
The Year 1 book this week is called 'Dads and Karts' and the Year 2 book is a non-fiction book called 'A Flight to New York'. Read the sounds, Green words and Red words at the beginning of the book before reading for the first time.
Year 1
Today you are starting a new short unit of work about length and height. Your learning today is about comparing lengths and heights. You have a little more work to do today as you have 3 videos to watch before you start your worksheet!
Year 2
Today is your second lesson on shape and in this lesson you are focusing on 2D shapes. Your job is to count the number of sides.
We are going to start our Science lesson thinking about the grassland habitat and using the picture of this wonderful shoebox habitat you can see below. I have a little quiz for you! Using a piece of paper and a pencil write the answers down to these questions and then watch my short video to check your answers!
Now it's your turn to make your shoebox habitats! Use whatever craft resources you have at home to create your habitat. Don't worry if you don't have a shoe box, any kind of box can be used. You may also like to use toy animals which you have to add to it or you could draw animals and stick them into your box.
When you are creating your shoebox habitat, think about the following things:
Xavier has already made his habitat. Here is the picture! I agree with Mrs Davies, it looks like it's a scene from the Lion King! Well done Xavier.
If you have already made yours maybe you could write some instructions of how you made it.