St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Being a Buddy, is only one of the Pupil Leadership roles held by children at St Paul's.
Each year, the oldest year group in our school are allocated the names of reception children who will be joining us in September. During the summer holidays, reception children receive a letter from their Buddy to introduce themselves and to let them know that they will be their special friend at St Paul's and that when they start school, the Buddy will support them and help them to settle in.
This is a very precious and special friendship which is developed throughout the year. Year 6 pupils support their buddies in many ways:
A very precious moment comes at the end of each year when the Year 6 pupils are presented with a letter from their reception Buddy, sending them onto high school with their thanks, their love and their best wishes (and there normally isn't a dry eye in the room!).