St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
PE - choose a 'PE with Jo' lesson to complete or if you would like you try something different, click on the link below to take part in a yoga session.
Spelling - Test yourself on the words you have been learning in List 2.
This week you will be learning words from 'List 3.' Please go to your year group's 'General Resources' page and find the star symbol titled 'List 3' for your spelling lesson, activity and handwriting for this week.
RE - LO. To understand what the Sacrament of Confirmation does for us and reflect on how we could use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Please work though the lesson I have created for you (the videos I refer to are all below.)
PSHE- LO. I can use mindfulness techniques in my everyday life.
Work through today's lesson to find out: what mindfulness is, why we might want to practise it, what research tells us about the benefits of regular practise and some techniques we might want to have a go at. After you have completed the lesson (slide 16) I would like you to click on the link below and watch a video I have filmed for you. This video will explain what I would like you to do over the next few weeks.
History - I would like you to become an expert in Anglo-Saxon Life. I have found an excellent website for you to explore. It lets you explore original artifacts, read answers to questions a historian might ask and learn more about the Anglo-Saxon way of life.
For the first part of today's lesson, I would like you to spend some time exploring the website below. Then I would like you to complete one of the activities from the 'Anglo-Saxon Life Project Sheet'. Please send me your work as I would like us to read each others' work so we can become real experts!