St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning to our wonderful Year 2 Galileo children,
We hope that you have all had a lovely weekend (despite the rain) and that you are ready for another week of learning from home. We do miss seeing you all.
Here is the plan for today...
We hope you are continuing to learn your sounds with Rosie by watching the Read, Write Inc. lessons. The lessons are available from 9.30am, but you can watch them anytime within 24 hours. Please watch and join in with the following videos:
I know that you are at different stages in your reading and that you also have different interests so I have given you a few book choices this week from the Oxford Owl website. The books all have a beach, sea or pirate theme to fit in with our topic but choose the book to read which you think you will enjoy, there are 4 to choose from! They are called; Green Island, The Beach Detectives, The Sand Witch and a non-fiction book called Blackbeard's Ship. I have shared the blurbs from the books to help you choose your book. Some of these books are quite long so it may take you a few days to read them.
It's time to have a little spelling test and start learning some new spellings! Please test your child on the spellings from last week and then give them a new set of spellings to learn.
This week you are starting a new unit of maths work focusing on Time. In today's lesson you are revising your knowledge of o'clock and half past times. Share the PowerPoint lesson 1 and discuss the following questions:
What does each number represent on the clock?
What does the small hand represent?
What does the big hand represent?
Does the hour hand move when the minute hand does?
What do you notice about the hour hand for half past __?
What time is being displayed on the clock?
Show me __ o’clock
Show me half past __.
Complete the worksheet from your new Home Learning pack called 'O'clock and Half Past'. This involves reading the times on clocks and drawing hands to show different times.
Head to the topic page to choose a lesson for this afternoon. In school today we will be doing some Geography work and comparing a British beach with a beach from a different country. We will talk about our experiences of going to different beaches and talk about the human and physical features. Have a fun day.