St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
LO: To learn the names of the phases of the Moon
Labelling activity notes....
Look at the copied versions of the resource.
Use the top diagram (with clues) to label the phases.
Mark it together.
Then, complete the bottom diagram neatly, cut it out and glue it in books.
Don't forget dates and Los.
Finishing off any art work from this year
Inner self - have you added the black lines and any details?
Did you start a Frida Kahlo portrait? Can you finish this off?
Any other pieces unfinished?
Surrealism - did you finish your automatism? Can you make one on nice paper for display? What would you call it?
Science - Wednesday
LO: To show understanding of how we see light.
Do this on sheets, don't glue in books as we have other bits to glue in first.
Use PPT to guide lesson and help you complete the activities.
1 month long science homework