St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning. Please check the blog if you haven't done so yet, as there are details for an additional maths lesson posted on my daily message.
Please note, there is no 'Oak' social Zoom this morning.
Additional Maths Lessons - How to use short division
9:30 am for Year 5
10:00 am for Year 6
In addition to the main maths lesson below, I am offering two 30 minute sessions covering short division (bus stop division) for any pupils who would like to go over this. It is aimed at pupils who struggle to remember how to do short division. The details are on the blog.
Maths - Main Lesson
LO: To read and interpret tables
English / Express Yourself
LO: To respond to a text
Listen to chapter 2 of our key text, or read the chapter from the document if you prefer.
As part of our work for Mental Health Week, I would like you to respond to the text in a way of your own choosing. This means that it should be about what happened in chapter 2 but you are free to choose how you express it. Don't forget that you are allowed to use a voice to text tool, or other technologies if you wish.
Here are some ideas to get you can choose one of these if you wish.
- draw a picture or story map about what happens in the chapter
- design a new cover for the book based on something that happens in the chapter
- write a summary of what happens to Malkin in the chapter
- write the chapter from the point of view of one of the 'silver eyed figures'
- create a video review of chapter 2
- write a prediction about chapter 3
- use a computer programme such as Scratch, Minecraft or an art or video programme to express your ideas
-write your own version of the chapter, re-creating the tension and pace of Malkin's escape
-choreograph a dance, gymnastic or drama routine to show the exciting events
-find out about foxes and make a poster or presentation
- create a David Attenborough style nature video about foxes, using models or toys as your 'fox'.
Mental Health Week
Express Yourself Activity 9
2. The videos above were just 3 ways we can express ourselves through art, dance and music, but I know that you might have other methods of expressing your personality, interests, feelings and ideas.
I would like you to produce something which communicates to others how you like to express yourself. I have given you two afternoons to do this. There are some ideas here:
- a video of you performing a dance, song or playing an instrument, which communicates feelings;
- a photo montage showing all the different aspects of your personality, showing people who you really are;
- a poster showing all the different ways you like to express yourself;
- a themed cake, showing one of your interests;
- a video of yourself explaining who you are, what you like and how you express yourself;
- a guide / video / powerpoint / poster on how to use sport to help with mental wellbeing;
These are just some ideas - you should feel free to express yourself in any way you wish...all I would like is that you spend 2 or 3 hours preparing it over the next few days and share it with us when you've finished it. Good luck!