RECEPTION OPEN DAYS 2025-2026 will be held on Thursday 14th November 9.30-10.30am and Saturday 23rd November 10.00-11.00am. Please telephone 01625 877688 to reserve your space..............Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 9th June

Good morning Galileo children and parents,


I hope that you have all had a good start to the week and managed to get some home learning completed yesterday. Today is International Batten Disease Awareness Day so as well as your usual tasks for the day we thought you may like to get involved. The document below gives a lovely idea of thumbprint art. 

International Batten Disease Awareness Day - Thumbprint art

Today you have your phonics, reading and maths activities to do and then you get to choose a lesson of your choosing from the Topic web page. 



Continue to learn your sounds, words and spellings by completing the following 4 Read, Write Inc. lessons:

  • Set 3 Speed Sound Lesson - today's sound you will review is 'aw'
  • Set 3 Spelling Lesson
  • Reading Red Words 2 
  • Reading Longer words - you will read Green words focusing on the sounds aw and or

Each video is only 10/15 minutes long and they are available to watch from 9.30am. You can watch these anytime within 24 hours.



I hope you enjoyed learning about the ocean yesterday. Today you have a choice of books to read. Both of the books have some link to the ocean. Your choices are 'Jellyfish Shoes' OR 'Deep Down Weird'. Some of you will love 'Deep Down Weird' whereas others may not fancy it!

Book choices

Both of these books are fairly long so you may not read them all in one go. It would be great if you could do the comprehension tasks for whichever book you choose.


Comprehension Task for 'Jellyfish Shoes'

You will find the questions at the front of the book, there are two sets of questions with the headings 'After reading' and 'Book quiz'.


Comprehension Tasks for 'Deep Down Weird'

The comprehension questions can be found throughout the book by clicking on the pencil icons. There are also eye icons though out which take you to other little activities. 


Today your challenge is to describe turns in as many different ways as you can. Use the PowerPoint presentation lesson 5 and discuss the following questions:


How many different ways can you describe the turns made?
How many quarter turns equal a half / full turn?
How many half turns equal a full turn?


Then complete the investigation describing turns. You may find it helpful to use the word bank. This will definitely get your brain thinking today!  


Head to the Topic page to choose a lesson for today and don't forget about the International Batten Disease Awareness Day activity. I hope you learn lots of new things! 
