St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
It's the last day of remote learning- next week we will be altogether in class. We are really excited about seeing you all in person and have some lovely activities planned for next week! We are zooming this afternoon at 2pm, you are very welcome to wear your world book day costumes again .
Here is the link to the St Paul's video page where you can find the daily Lent reflections. They are very child friendly and a beautifully calm way to begin the day!
Here are today's sounds for our Read Write Inc phonics lessons
Set 1 speed sounds - today's sound is p
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
Set 2 speed sounds - today's sound is igh
Set 2 spellings
Red words 1 lesson and hold a sentence 1 lesson
Set 3 speed sounds - today's sound is o-e
Today you are continuing to 'make 10'. Watch today's video, session 5, and then have a go at the activity.
Today you have another practical lesson. You will be learning about measuring using non standard lengths. Watch the video and complete the activity.
Book reviews
Thank you for sharing your favourite books and reviewing them for us! Click on the link below to view your book reviews!