Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 8th June



Baby photo

Toddler photo

Photo of you now (this one is a new request as I'm trying to save us some time when we return)


To punctuate dialogue correctly

1)  Watch the video below to revise your understanding of dialogue punctuation

How to use speech marks to punctuate what characters are saying

2)   Now, click on the link to play a short multiple choice game, where you have to identify correctly punctuated sentences.  Alternatively, print the PDF version.
3)Listen to the audio recording of our new class novel (which we will finish!) and then have a go at punctuating the extract on the dialogue task below. You can use Word, print and annotate or write it in your books.

There's A Boy In the Girls' Bathroom - Chapter 1

4) Go back and look at the writing you did last week - use the success steps below, to edit your writing, making sure you have punctuated all of your dialogue correctly.


Success Steps - Writing Dialogue

  • Speech marks at the start and end of what is being spoken
  • Capital letter at the start of the speech
  • Punctuation inside the speech marks
  • New speaker, new line
  • Don’t forget those commas  – before the first OR the last speech mark


Tomorrow I will be hosting a LIVE English lesson via 'padlet' at 11am (those of you who did the Podcast work last term will understand).  Tomorrow, click on the 'star' for Tuesday 8th June, then follow the link at 11am.  If you are not able to join us at 11am, you will be able to add to the padlet until Wednesday morning. Put 11am in your calendars now!

Maths - Year 5 or Year 6 revision

Y5/6: To write decimals as fractions and fractions as decimals
Watch the video, stopping and starting it when asked, so that you can have a go at the questions asked.  Then, have a go at the questions on the sheet, before marking your work.  You can play the games to practise the skills before you do the sheet or after!


Maths - Year 6

Y6: To find a rule (a rule is like a secret calculation and you have to work out what the secret is)
Watch the video, stopping and starting it when asked, so that you can have a go at the questions asked.  Then, have a go at the questions on the sheet, before marking your work.  You can play the games to practise the skills before you do the sheet or after!

Computing / Design Technology



For those of you who didn't see last week's Design your own Amazing Bedroom task, here are the documents I posted.  Last week, I suggested doing some research and getting some ideas, however I know lots of you went on to create plans and digital designs.

This week, I suggest you make sure you have done last week's work, making sure you've got plenty of ideas.   I've added a further research sheet where you could compare some specific makes and models for some of your ideas, but this is optional.


What I would really like you to do this week, is have a go at making a 3D model of your dream bedroom. You could use an old shoe box, or other packaging you have (which you're allowed to use)  or even use Lego!

