Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


We have been learning to recognise odd and even numbers.

Today we explored seeds from a variety of fruit and veg. We looked at the size and shape and compared them to each other. We used tens frames to compare the different amounts within each of the fruits and veg. We found out that the pomegranate had a lot of seeds- so many that we had to photocopy more tens frames!

Sunflower challenge- this week we have planted our seed. We worked out how deep the seed should be placed in the soil by measuring with our finger. We are now keeping a close eye on them to notice any changes!

Today we had to check there were enough pots for the number of children, we used a tens frame to help us do this. We found out we had more than enough!

Sunflower challenge - What makes a good pot? Exploring different size, shape and materials for planting our seeds.

The first week of our sunflower challenge has been great. The children have explored the seeds doing plenty of noticing. We have looked carefully at the seed packets and used a tens frame to work out if there are enough seeds for us all.

Learning about the composition of 9 and 10.

Noticing and using number names in our play!

Exploring the properties of 3D shape.

Today in maths we looked further at patterns and in groups children made their own patterns using beads and string.

Finally we had a go at building with our 3D shapes, working out which shapes are good and bad for building towers, castles and houses.

We also looked at different ways we can group our 3D shapes, and we all had a go at grouping them in our own way.

This week we have been looking at 3D shapes, looking at how different shapes can be drawn around to create different 2D shapes.

Today we looked at 3D shapes and made our favourite shape out of playdough.

Today in maths we built towers 10 blocks high using 2 different colours. Then we wrote a number sentences about the blocks we used.

This week in maths we were learning about time and what time we do different things in the day. Then we made clocks of our own.

Today in maths we discussed which of the different classroom objects were the biggest/smallest, then we measured each item using wooden blocks.

Today in maths we rolled out snakes with playdough and we discussed which snake was the biggest and smallest. Then we used counters to measure the length of our snakes.

Today we learnt how to combine 2 groups. The children practised using their own cubes and together we wrote the number sentence.

We used a tens frame to make 6,7 and 8. We practised noticing what we could see, “ When I have 8 counters on the tens frame, there are 2 spaces left”.

We practised using a 5 frame and noticing what we could see. Great mathematical language used” I can see 3 are full and 2 are empty”.

Today in maths we practiced how we count and add to 6 using stones and ladybirds we drew with chalk outside.

This week we have been exploring weighing items and using the vocabulary of heavier and lighter. The children have loved finding items with the classroom to weigh and discovering which ones are heavier. We learnt that big items aren't always heavier!

Exploring shape in our continuous provision activities.

This week we have been exploring squares and rectangles and their properties. The class made some wonderful shape sculptures, describing what shapes they had used.

Today we have been exploring triangles. What they look like and how to make them!

Today we practised using the number 5 and noticing how it was made. We dropped 5 dinosaur on the table and noticed how they landed. It might be a 2 and a 2 and a 1 or 4and a 1. We circled the groups we could see.

We have been learning about numbers 1-5. We played a game where we had to do actions to match the number, eg 1 clap, 2 hops, 3 star jumps, 4 shoulder taps. We also matched the groups of objects to the correct numeral.

We have been learning about number 4. We have counted 3 and added 1 more to make 4. We also used our objects to play the game what do you notice. This helps us see how number 4 is made up. Noticing, I see 2 and a 2. I see 1 and 1 and 1 and 1. I see 1 and a 3. We also used the 4 sticks to make a square shape.

We have also made repeating patterns from objects.

We have been making repeating patterns using instrument sounds this week!

In our maths today we played a game where they had to identify the number of dinosaurs under the bucket after only a quick glance. We continued to practise this skill of subitising (knowing how many were there without counting) up to 5 in our continuous provision

Our year 1 children have been busy learning about greater than, less than and equal to in their maths lessons this week.

Matching the stone outline with the stone in the sunshine.

How can we sort the leaves?

We have been busy matching and sorting this week!

Our year 1 children sorting by colour, size and shape.

We’ve been busy matching items!

The children have enjoyed mathematics play in the continuous provision.
