Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 5th February

Good Morning to all our Oak Families, I hope you are all keeping well and have enjoyed 'expressing yourselves' this week. If you haven't already done so, make sure you read my blog post for today's Kahoot quiz details. Our activities today all link to 'Children's Mental Health Week' and will encourage you to 'express yourself.' 


1. Children's Mental Health Week Activity:

  • Watch 'Express Yourself Collective Worship' film.
  • Watch my Loom lesson introducing a fun and creative 'Express Yourself' Activity (please make sure you give yourself enough time to complete this activity, take photos and blog/email how you chose to express yourself!')


  • Watch my Loom 'Inspirational Young People' reflection.
  • Watch and complete part 1 of today's RE Loom Lesson
  • Watch part 2 of today's RE Loom lesson and complete the activity.


Complete the Mindfulness Video and choose a PE fitness video to complete.

If you didn't complete last Friday's PE challenge and have some spare time today or over the weekend why not give this a go!


Watch my Loom video introducing today's lesson.

Listen to Fowley's Wings, discuss the questions and create your new wings. Remember to make sure you add new ways you have learnt or want to learn to express yourself during your time at home.  

5. History  

I have created a 'Sticky Knowledge Kahoot Quiz' based on what we have learnt about this fascinating period of history so far! Head to the blog for the link and PIN -  you have until 5pm to complete it.

6: Geography- play the suggested games to review your geographical sticky knowledge. 

Children's Mental Health Week Activity:

Just like I said on the video...I thought of some more ideas after I had filmed the Loom. Check out the resource below for some ideas!

Pupils of Oak Class...Express yourselves!

A Short Reflection to Begin Today's RE Lesson


RE - Express Yourself!

  1. Click on the link to part 1 of today's RE lesson to find out what the Beatitudes are and how they came about. 
  2. Click on part 2 of today's RE lesson to learn the meaning of each Beatitude and how it can offer us a guide.
  3. Complete the alternative, bronze, silver or gold activity and 'Express Yourself!'
  4. I can't wait to see how you choose to 'express yourselves!' So, remember to blog your responses! 

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7

Below are videos to support you in completing today's activity. However, I would encourage you to watch these videos (maybe dip in and out of them when you have a spare minute or have finished today's work) as they are very interesting and give you a deep understanding of each Beatitude and how you and others can live it out!  They are inspirational as they make you stop and reflect on your thoughts, feelings and actions!


Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit | The Beatitudes for Kids

Blessed Are the Meek | The Beatitudes for Kids

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn | The Beatitudes for Kids

Blessed Are the Merciful | The Beatitudes for kids

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness | The Beatitudes for Kids

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart | The Beatitudes for kids

Blessed Are the Persecuted | The Beatitudes for kids

Blessed Are the Peacemakers | The Beatitudes for kids

PE - I have uploaded the PE with Joe and PAS PE links but have also included an extra one so make sure you check it out! 

If you didn't get chance to become a Personal Trainer last week and complete the PE challenge, then head over to last week's page for details. This activity is a fantastic example of how some of us like to express ourselves! Remember to email or blog your videos!  

PSHE - this activity is best completed with someone at home or as a family so try and find some free time today or over weekend to complete it. However, you can watch the Loom lesson now and have a go at creating your own set of wings. 

Some of our Year 6 children might remember exploring the story of Fowley's Wings and creating some beautiful wings decorated with personal goals and dreams while we were at home during the last lockdown.  I remember listening to this story last March with Rowan and discussing his goals and dreams with him.  I have looked back at the picture I took of him with his wings and firstly, my goodness how he has grown, but secondly we discovered that he had indeed achieved the goals he had set out for himself by the time we returned to school. 


So, today I would like you to listen to Fowley's Wings again (or for the first time) and follow the instructions on the link below. This story explores dreams and goals, the roles within families, people’s strengths and feelings and how brothers and sisters get along together.


As part of today's lesson I would like you to draw or create a brand new set of wings. I would like you to draw or write down some ideas of what you can try to achieve over the next few weeks while we are learning from home. Try to keep the ideas realistic and achievable under the circumstances. I want you to think about: including ways you can 'express yourself' and possibly set yourself the goal to explore different and new ways to express yourself!

Once you have created your wings, I would love you to share them via the email or blog but most importantly I want you to display your wings somewhere where you will see them each morning. Doing this, could help you focus on your goals and remind you to express yourself that day!


I have created a 'Sticky Knowledge Kahoot Quiz' based on what we have learnt about this fascinating period of history so far! Head to the blog for the link and PIN. 

Geography Sticky Knowledge Check

As you know we are focusing on History this term, however it is super important to keep up our Geography skills and knowledge! So, I would like you to click on the link below, click on 'World Games' and play the 'Continents' and 'Oceans' games. Being able to name and locate the continents and oceans of the world is knowledge we need to have 'stuck' in our minds!  

There are a variety of games to explore so feel free to challenge yourself and have fun!
