St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning,
I hope that you are well; I know that all of your friends will miss you today - and all of the adults too!
This is what we will be doing today so we will still be learning together;
1)RWI - If you could practice your reading and RWI phonic cards that would be wonderful.
2)The Wednesday Word - this week is 'Preparation' and with our Advent wreath learning and making last week this is what we have been doing- preparing to be lights of love during Advent. If mum or dad can read through the Wednesday Word with you this will lead onto our literacy task today...
3)Our Literacy / RE task
Last week we thought about the meaning behind the Advent wreath and how as we count down to Christmas we make a special effort to be lights of love and kindness to others. In class the children will be writing 2 sentences about how they are going to try and do this. One sentence could be a way in which you will be an extra special friend to others in school and your second sentence about how you can help your family to prepare at home. I enclose a writing sheet for you to use or you can use your own paper and when you return to school I will stick your sentences under the flap of your Advent wreath. Rememeber to use capital letters and full stops and you could do your very best handwriting using 'get ready lines.'
4) Our Maths Learning for Today...
This lesson is split over two days but I know you and the children in class can manage it in one! I will include 2 videos as the second one will help with question 4 and the first video with the first 3 questions. I include the worksheet too! Good luck!
Our afternoon art activity
This afternoon we may be practicing the play or starting work on our Tudor houses. We will make your house when you return to school so I thought you might like to have a go at these Purple Mash art tasks. You are welcome to make your Tudor house but it might be easier in school where we have all of the resources! Here is a very wobbly video that should get you logged on. I've sent mum a text of your login details (to keep them private!) Good luck; if you manage to do either or both pictures I will print them off and put them on our Great Fire of London display in class!