Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Maths challenge in our provision

Comparison of groups, which has more? Which has fewer?

Composition of 5 using number rhymes.

We learnt new positional language. We then practised this using Fred frog and a box!

Solving number problems in our play.

We learnt about the properties of circles and triangles. We then went on a shape hunt to spot them!

Today we made ‘stampolines’ with 5 pieces of gummed paper. We explored the different ways that you can make 5 and the way it can be arranged differently.

Today we explored repeating patterns.

Today we explored capacity. We introduced the concept within our maths time and experimented using a variety of containers. We introduced vocabulary associated with capacity such as half full, empty and full. They particularly liked the word overflow! The children continued to explore capacity in their play outside.

This week we have been comparing amounts. We have introduced fewer than, more than and equal to. The children built towers of up to 3 cubes and then turned to a friend to compare them using the language introduced.

We used our animal friends to ensure that each animal got an equal amount of the acorns and pine cones. We compared the amount that each animal had.

Using maths in our play. Rolling the hoops and jumping the frogs along the tape measure!

Today we listened very carefully to the pattern of 5 claps that I did and then tried to represent it using the cones.

Today we have been very busy subitising. We began by noticing different groups within a larger group, spotting groups of 1,2 or 3. We then represented these groups in our whole class session on whiteboards. We used circles, dots and line to indicate groups of 1,2 or 3 of the duplo bricks.

Our 'Super subitising challenge' what can you see?

Super subitising to 3! We subitised acorns, pine cones and people!

Exploring mass outside in play.

Today we explored mass. We used the balance scale to determine which classroom items were heaviest. Lots of reasoning and mathematical language used. This continued into their playwhere they used the balance scales to explore the mass of other items within the classroom.

We discussed what we noticed about all the different objects and sorted them into categories, then we used the conkers to match the numicon and the number

We have been ordering the pumpkins by size. We used mathematical language of biggest, smallest and medium sized to describe them.

This week have been practising to count 5 objects as there’s too many to subitise. We have learnt that the last number we say is the number in the group. We made counting sticks to help us to count!

We have been working hard on subitising with numbers to 3. Today we had a tricky challenge of circling groups of 1,2 or 3 from a busy picture.

Today we worked on what we can notice. The children dropped the 3 pine cones and described how they fell onto the table. They said I can see 1 here and 2 here or I can see a 1 here, 1 here and 1 here. We then placed them onto a 5 frame, describing as we placed each one how it looked on the five frame. They were very observant and noticed how 1 pine cone meant there were lots of spaces, 2 pine cones filled up some of the five frame and 3 pine cones that that it was getting fuller and if they had 2 more cones it would be full! Great mathematical language!

Noticing size, colour and pattern in our play.

What do you notice? Using our observation skills to notice similarities and differences between the items.

Singing number songs.

Who is here today? Using our 5 frames to see who is in Willow Class today.
