St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
L.O. To plan your own characters
Yesterday, you though about the characters in the story, Mission Possible. Today, you are going to start thinking about your own story and you will need some good characters to make a great story! Work through the pages below for some top tips in creating characters. Then, you can create profiles for your main characters. I can't wait to see who we will meet in your story! Share some of your ideas on the padlet and earn Dojo points!
L.O. To read and write co-ordinates
There is some new work on MyMaths all about co-ordinates. If you need a reminder, have another look at yesterday's lesson and work through the lesson on Mymaths too. There's also a game you can play.
L.O. To understand food chains
We'll have a look at food chains today to find out how living organisms rely on each other to survive. Follow the link to BBC bitesize and watch the videos and do the activities to find out more!
Extra Challenge Science
I quite like these little videos of things you can make at home. I loved seeing Isaac's Lego bird table last week. Has anyone else made anything? You know we love to share and see what you've all been up to!