Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 1st May

***ALERT*** As we are making our papier mache balloons today (or at a time of your choosing), I will be in school from 11am until 1pm and will put just outside of the office some PVA glue pots (just in case you don't have any). There is a balloon in the children's new packs. You can also use flour (if you have any!), as an alternative to glue. There is a detailed you tube video below on making the mixture so you will be guided through. You will also need newspaper, so again I will leave a few at the door. 

Good morning everyone! We have made it through to Friday together!smiley I don't know about you, but I've found it a very busy week. I can't believe that it is the first day of May today. I have to say what a fabulous job you and your parents are doing. Mrs Rogers and I are SO impressed with all of the work that you send to us. It makes us feel like we are still together; just working in slightly different places!


Our learning for today is;

  • Religion
  • Art/D&T
  • Art - I think we need a creative Friday



Religion - our morning prayer and introduction to our learning today 
Hopefully these two video clips will bring to life what I have just read to you. They are reminders of the times when Jesus appeared to the disciples after he had risen from the dead. You will meet Thomas, sometimes called 'Doubting Thomas' because he wouldn't believe Jesus was alive until he could actually touch him. surprise

So, hopefully from my video you will have a clearer understanding of the times when Jesus appeared to his disciples over a period of 40 days after the resurrection. How do we know that these events happened? Because they were recorded, most of these key events by the disciples themselves. 


What a journey Peter has been on. Always one of Jesus' disciples he felt despair when he let Jesus down, when Jesus was arrested, by saying three times that he didn't know him. Jesus called Peter his 'rock' though and Peter will no doubt feel more at peace that he has now also told Jesus three times that he loves him.


Today you are going to write a postcard/ letter to the other disciples who were not on the boat that day, to tell them of what happened.mail


You might like to include

  • How you are feeling. Are you missing Jesus? Remember, Jesus is  not with the disciples all of the time now; he has just appeared to them on several occasions.
  • Did the fact you weren't catching any fish remind you of the 'miraculous catch of fish' when Jesus first asked you to be his disciple?
  • What was it about the voice calling or the figure on the beach that made you recognise Jesus?
  • Why did you jump fully clothed into the water and swim over to meet him?
  • How do you feel when Jesus asks you to look after his sheep? What does he mean by this?


Use cartridge paper to make your postcard

Still image for this video

I enclose a scaffold you may like to use, or you can write your own version

Then create the boat or beach scene on the front of your postcard. Here are some ideas...

Making our Papier Mache Balloons


 We are only making the papier mache today. It will have until next week to dry. I will provide poster paints from school next week for decorating should you need any. Good luck! I will be making one too. We can share our results via the blog!!!

As an introduction to making our hot air balloons please look at the powerpoint below and the video clips show you how hot air balloons work. 


We will follow the instructions on the slides, but I have also included the link to a you tube video which is well worth a watch to see how to make a glue mix with flour and salt and then moves onto the PVA glue mix.  It takes you through each step. 

Our afternoon activity - Designing our hot air balloon


Using the powerpoint from this morning study the patterns and designs of the hot air balloons. You will also have the following example (see below) in your first home learning pack, as well as a design sheet. Design, watercolour and make a fabulous design that you will recreate on your balloon next week. I will provide paper bowls for the basket and paints next week. We would love to see your designs via our email or blog. Enjoy your day and have fun. smiley

Your balloon design and planning sheet. These are in your first learning from home pack
