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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 12th November

Good morning!

Happy Friday wonderful acorns!  smiley


Today you may need time to complete any lessons you haven't done and to finish off the following super important pieces of work ready to bring into school:

  • Your Haiku and Tanka poems from last week (most of you did these at school)
  • Your notes made from the island/nature setting descriptions  from last week (most of you did thiese at school)
  • Your Tanka about Remembrance from yesterday and your best presentation of that
  • Your Presentation about endangered animals needs to be completely finished...make sure your spelling and punctuation is correct.
  • Your RE work from Mrs Armstrong-Boyle from Monday.
  • Your PSHE work about 'Celebrating Differences'


This morning, we are continuing to learn about people who have been persecuted for speaking out about injustice.


Your tasks today are:

1)  Make a 'Fact File' on Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968)


2)  What did Jesus say about the way we should treat others that would have inspired Martin Luther King? 


3)  Can you find any scripture references to support this?


This work will be added to your RE book when you return, so remember to bring it with you when you return! :)


LO: To understand the character strengths that can be developed by taking part in sports activities.


Pope John Paul II loved sport and often talked about how taking part in sports develops our character strengths.  Here are some quotes by Pope John Paul II.


“Playing sport has become very important today, since it can encourage young people to develop important values such as loyalty, perseverance, friendship, sharing and solidarity.”


“Sport trains body and spirit for perseverance, effort, courage, balance, sacrifice, honesty, friendship and collaboration.”


  1. Can you find the character strengths in the quotes above?
  2. Choose some of the character strengths and find out what they mean.  
  3. How can those qualities be developed through sport?
  4. What are the best qualities to show when we are playing sports with others?
  5. Make a poster (digitally if you wish) about one or more of those qualities. You can use the information from your answers to the questions to help you.
  6. If you are able, please email / photograph and email / upload to the blog when you have finished your poster.


LO: To create prints (or other media) to represent a rainforest environment, in the style of Rousseau

  1. Open the 'Art Picture Cards' and look cafrefully at each piece of art.
  2. What do they all have in common?
  3. Next, open the PowerPoint and work your way through the lesson, answering questions when they are asked.
  4. Lastly, create your own Rousseau inspired art!