St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Beech families,
Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic shoebox habitats yesterday. They are amazing! I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed making them. Here are some of the pictures, I thought you may enjoy looking at each others' incredible work.
Here is the plan for today:
Speed Sounds
Today the Set 2 sound is 'oy' and the Set 3 sound is 'oi'. They are the same sound but spelt differently! Please watch the following short videos:
Remember that reading and spelling words using the sound for the day is the priority, and that the other videos are there for you to to use if you have the time and want to do a little extra.
This is your second read today of your book so your reading should be more fluent. You may like to get a grown up to read it to you before reading the book a second time and don't forget to start with reading the Speed Sounds, Green words and Red words. These things will help you become a more fluent reader.
Year 1
Today your maths lesson is about measuring lengths. There are 2 videos to watch today before you start measuring. The first video gets you to think about what you could measure and what you would measure with. There is a worksheet to complete once you have watched the second video.
Year 2
Today your maths lesson is about counting vertices of 2D shapes. Your first job is to find out what vertices are! What the video to find out and then complete the worksheet.
Today we are spending time reflecting on our time learning from home and also thinking about our return to school. To start with, I would like you to share this story called 'Sammy Sloth Goes Back to School'.
For your activity today I want you to think about the following questions and write the answers to them. I thought you may enjoy writing the answers to the seven questions on a rainbow. Each answer can be on a different colour. You can either draw your own rainbow or use the sheet provided. Once you have written your answers (they only need to be short), you can colour your rainbow in.
Here are your questions:
1) What have you enjoyed learning at home?
2) Who has been teaching you?
3) What would you say to your family for helping you learn at home?
4) How do you feel about returning to school?
5) Who are you looking forward to seeing when you come back to school?
6) What are you looking forward to doing when you come back to school?
7) Can you write 3 things you are thankful for?
Today you have lesson 5 to complete of Zootime! Enjoy playing the games, singing the song, improvising and composing!