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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 24th February

Welcome to another 'Wonderful Wednesday' please click the link below to join Mrs Armstrong-Boyle's Wednesday Word video. I look forward to seeing your pictures, videos and work later on Tapestry. 

Good morning and VIP

Still image for this video


We can really see you are all working so hard on your sounds and blending activities. Please keep following the Read, Write Inc lessons to support your learning. 

Set 1 speed sounds - today's sound is: m

Set 1 word time

Set 1 spellings


Set 2 speed sounds - today's sound is or

Set 2 spellings


Red words 1 lesson and hold a sentence 1 lesson


Set 3 speed sounds - today's sound is ire



Today we have new books.  Remember to have fun with books and talk about what you like about the story - are there any funny parts? How would you change the story?

Choose from one of the books below and remember if these are too tricky you can select one of the sound blending books from oxford owl to practise again.


Red Ditty book 1 - today read story 2 'Pop'

Green level book 1 - today read story 2 'Jess in a mess'

Tricky words

You can practise your tricky words from your high frequency words book or if you fancy something a bit different have a look at the tower of words activity below. Remember to read the words as you build your structure - or knock it down!

Reception maths

Today it is session 3- ordering numerals to 10. Watch the video and have a go at the activity.

Year 1 maths

Today you are practising counting in 2's. There is no associated worksheet but a practical activity within the video. There will a worksheet tomorrow reinforcing counting in 2's.

Afternoon topic activities

Click below to choose your activity for today - you might like to learn more about animals in our science activity this week.
