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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 10th February 2022

Maths - Year 5

LO: To add fractions

  1. Use the video to work through the lesson, completing activities when asked.
  2. Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
  3. Mark your work.
  4. Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
  5. Have a go at the True or False question.

Y5 Lesson Slides- Add fractions

Maths - Year 6

LO: To multiply fractions by integers

  1. Use the video to work through the lesson, completing activities when asked.
  2. Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
  3. Mark your work.
  4. Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
  5. Have a go at the True or False question.

Year 6- Multiply fractions by integers
