Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 22nd April

New learning packs available from outside the school office today  between 12.30pm and 4.00pm

Why not join Mrs Smith, Mrs Danton and Mrs Black for a short Wednesday Word? Go to learning- videos

Good morning everyone!


I hope you have had a good couple of days and are ready for a wonderful Wednesday!


Today I would suggest...

  • PE with Joe
  • English Proof reading and completing our Mr Benn stories, grammar- full stops and question marks and using these when looking at the start of this week's story... Traction Man.
  • The daily phonics lessons are brilliant for a 10 minute revision of sounds to read and write. I would really try to join the session at some point in the day as the lessons are available for 24 hours. Follow the link below...


10am – watch live Set 2 Speed Sounds lesson 

10.30am - watch live Set 3 Speed Sounds lesson 


Use the link to access the live Speed Sound lessons

English - Writing


1)Due to writing our super Easter poetry before half term, I am aware that you may not have completely finished your Mr Benn story. We were up to the final box on our story plan where we look to explain where the shop keeper appears from to take Mr Benn back to the costume shop. 

You also need to reveal which sounvenir Mr Benn takes home with him. 

Below is an example of the ending to, 'Mr Benn - Diver' to help you. 




  • Maths 
  • Science

English work-writing

2)When you have completed your story read it through to check that it reads well and that you have remembered capital letters and full stops to punctuate your sentences. Check that you have given Mr Benn's name capital letters too.


3)Our grammar focus this week is to look at the way we end our sentences. When we have written a normal sentence or statement they need a full stop, but if our sentence is a question we need a question mark.  ? If we are saying something in a loud, excited or shocked way then we use an ! exclamation mark.


Follow the links to the espresso website below to watch a video on question marks and to complete an activity on when to use a ! or a ?

To log on to espresso go to...

click 'login' and select 'espresso'

enter username 'student 6922', then password 'pauls321'


in the search bar type in question marks and it should bring you to this video and 2 follow on activities..

Finally, this is the book we will be reading this afternoon, 'Traction Man Is Here.'

Looking  at the first two pages below could you write one question about what you see and one exclamatory can write these in your green book.


Today's maths is looking at counting objects in equal groups. Your task will be to recognise when sets of objects are in equal groups or when the groups are unequal.


  • Start on lesson 3 from our weekly PowerPoint below. Test your 'equal group' spotting powers to predict the answers before revealing them.
  • From our 'chilli challenge' worksheets, you can then chose which star you will complete. You can use your workbook to record your answers or even to draw the groups if you like. If you are able to print out your chosen challenge then this would probably be your easiest option. ***From this afternoon your new half term 'learning from home packs' will be available to collect from outside school between 12.30 and 4.00pm. These will include worksheets for the next 2/3 weeks. 





 Continuing with our science work on materials, below is a video reading of the book, 'Traction Man'.


Listen to the story paying special attention to the outfits and the materials those outfits are made from.  Then, choose a favourite section figure or doll and using any materials available to you make them an outfit or accessories suitable for a special mission. You could take a photo f your finished design and email it to us or post it on the blog. Alternatively, if you struggle to find materials then draw your figure in your green book and draw next to it a special outfit you would like to make and label the materials used and why. 


You could even film a short video of you showing your creation! Have some fun with this!

