St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
This week we are going to read another read write inc book. It is another pink level book so once again if this is too tricky you can choose from a red, green or blue book. This week's book is about animals and is called 'A vet's week.' Please remember to read the sounds, Green Words and Red Words before reading the book. As today is the first time you are reading this book it will involve lots of sounding out of the words. When you have read it have a go at answering the questions at the end of the book - there is no need to write your answers down they are meant to be discussed! Have fun reading!
Follow the link for today's activity
Afternoon activities
Please follow the link below to enjoy one of our topic activities - this week we also include some summer themed fun and transition stories and tasks!