St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
LO: To write a portal story
Continue writing your 'The Door' story today, using the plan you created on Monday.
Remember to look back at all the work you have done on this and use what you learned in your story today:
Maths Y5/6
LO: To find fractions of amounts
Year 6 Maths
LO: To order fractions, decimals and percentages
2) Today we will be using what we know about FDP to order them.
watch the video while you have a go at the problems on the sheet, then mark your work.
Computing / Design Technology Project
LO: To design and make a product in a range of media
Today we are starting our 'Using and Applying' computing project which includes lots of design technology.
Your job is to spend the next few weeks, researching, designing and making your ideal, ultimate, amazing bedroom, before making a digital version... if you're able to.
I have posted the whole PowerPoint today so you can see what we are doing, but will post supporting documents and resources each week. Have fun!