St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
L.O. To write a list poem
Use the planning sheet below to help you to write a list poem of things that you might need on a jungle adventure!
L.O. To recognise different angles
This is one of my favourite lessons! Work through the presentation to find out all about different kinds of angles!
Either draw 5 of each different kind of angles in your book and label them, or you can label the angles on the sheet below!
Look out for a cute angle!
L.O. To find out where Australia is
This term, we are going to find out about Australia. We'll start off by finding where Australia it is and how big it is. Watch the video below, then work through the powerpoint to find out some facts. On the sheet below, see if you can colour in the continents by using the information from the bar chart.