St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
If you haven't seen the certificate achievers from last week, have a look at my blog. I looked at MyMaths, accelerated reader, the blog and all the work you have been emailing in to make my very difficult decision!
Mrs Hetherington will be in touch with some of you to do reading with. She will do these via zoom at 10:00 each day. Please check your emails!
There is also a live lesson for maths today at 10:45. Please don't worry if you can't make it. It will just be working through the same powerpoint as below.
L.O. To write a diary entry.
To finish off our work on chapter 1, I would like you to write a diary entry about Mole's day before he goes to sleep in Rat's home. You can work through the powerpoint to remind yourself about the features of a diary. (Remember that we wrote diary's about Barney's day when he met Stig at the dump).
L.O. To divide 2 digits by 1 digit.
You can work through the powerpoint to learn how to divide 2 digit numbers by 1 digit. There are questions within the powerpoint for you to work on, like we do in class. I will be teaching this class 'live' via zoom at 10:45, if you are able to join us. The details for the lesson will be on my blog. If you join the lesson, please keep on mute unless you are answering a question. Please also make sure that it is clear from you user name who in joining in.
Here is a short video explaining how to add the suffix -ous, which are our spelling words at the moment. You can also play the games at Spellzone by clicking the link below to practice words ready for the spelling test on Friday.
Join Gary Lineker for a Spanish lesson by following the link below!
PE with Joe is back! If you are not able to go outside for your daily exercise, you can join Joe Wicks for an invigorating workout! The link below will take you to his YouTube channel. It will be live at 9:00 or you can watch later in the day if that suits your timetable better.