Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Punctuating Dialogue Live Padlet Lesson 9.6.20 Blue = pastoral; Purple = Punctuation task; Yellow = Synonyms for said; Class Novel Comments = Green; Bye = Pink

More examples of fantastic reading work going on at home

We have been using The Magic Box poem as inspiration for our own Portal writing called 'The Door'

Thursday 7th May Podcast Writing with author Judith Eagle

Wednesday 6th May Podcast writing with author Struan Murray

Tuesday 5th May - Podcast Writing with author Sue Hardy-Dawson

Monday 4th May - Podcast writing with author Brian Moses

Listen to Poppy H's Amazing Podcast, inspired by her listening of

Listen to Poppy N's well-produced podcast, making great use of the jingle she made a few week ago, she gives us lockdown advice.

Isabelle H has produced this podcast with a catchy jingle and lots of great advice for how to stay safe from coronavirus

Isaac produced a wonderful podcast, where he interviewed a police officer about coronavirus and used amazing expression.

Have a look at the writing we are doing at home! We are writing our own version of the story 'The Game'.

Look at this wonderful home writing based on 'The Game'

Thursday 30th April - Podcast writing with author Gill Lewis

Wednesday 29th April - Podcast writing with author Sophie Anderson

Tuesday 28th April - Podcast writing with author Piers Torday

Monday 27th April - Podcast writing with author Thomas Taylor

Thursday 23rd April - Podcast writing with authors Liz Brownlee and Paul Cookson

Wednesday 22nd April - Podcast writing with author Kit Wright

Tuesday 21st April - Podcast Writing with Author Pie Corbett

We have been using a Podcast led by Pie Corbett for our writing work and to link this with our current work, we created Podcast radio jingles using Audacity, which we learned how to use in computing!

Poppy's Party Radio Jingle

Maleficent's messages.mp3

Maleficent's Messages, by Rebecca

We used our comprehension skills to find out more about Captain Tom and his amazing charity work.

Lucy's Captain Tom comprehension

We are still making sure we are learning our spellings at home!

Unusual Reading Competition - Send in your photos of you reading in the most unusual place at home!

This week in reading we chose an activity from the AF3 activity cards, to focus on our inference skills. We also read a text about Mary Anning's diary and answered comprehension questions

In Grammar we have been learning about antonyms (opposites) and synonyms (other words that mean the same).

Some of the reading work we have been doing this week: we focused on our understanding of texts by choosing from the green set of reading activity cards and kept up to date with our reading journals

Passing Through descriptive writing session

Still image for this video

We had a lovely morning writing up our powerful descriptions today.

We have been extending our vocabularies by using dictionaries and thesauruses. Now we can use our new words in our writing! We liked OMINOUS and DESOLATE.

In preparation for our work on writing instructions, we had to prepare and present verbal instructions for the class to follow. We also had to listen out for evidence of instructional features such as imperative verbs, conjunctions, technical vocabulary and audience awareness.

As part of our topic work in Geography and English, we used our thinking hats, research and list punctuation to work in teams to decide how best to survive on a desert island.

We learned that writers show characterisation by choosing a personality for their characters. We had to act out a scene, using what our characters said and did, to communicate their personalities.

We identified features of persuasive writing by reading a letter Gran wrote to Michael, begging him not to leave for their adventure around the world. We then wrote letters back, in role as Michael.
