St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Spelling - Test yourself on the words you have been learning in List 3.
This week you will be learning words from 'List 4.' Please go to your year group's 'General Resources' page and find the star symbol titled 'List 4' for your spelling lesson, activity and handwriting for this week.
PSHE- LO. I can use mindfulness techniques in my everyday life.
Last week you found out: what mindfulness was, why we might want to practise it, what research tells us about the benefits of regular practise and some techniques we might want to have a go at.
This week you are continuing to create your poster, leaflet, PowerPoint or podcast resource to help teach children (possibly younger children) about mindfulness and why it is important or some mindfulness techniques.
I have uploaded the lesson resources and video in case you need to revisit the learning. Please email me your finished resources!
RE - LO. To know about the Sacrament of Marriage and reflect on the importance of this Sacrament.
Work through the lesson making sure you complete the 'quick quizzes' and activities to check your understanding. Remember to choose from the bronze, silver or gold activity and email or post your response.