St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning! If you haven't checked the blog yet, head on over there and leave me a comment for Dojo points! There is also a Kahoot today which you have until 5pm to do!
Let's start with Spellings!
Spellings - Week 4
Year 5: To use 'near homophones' correctly
Year 6: To spell words in the 'mit' word family
Do the PowerPoint lesson today and then you have until next Monday to make sure you have done the activities and learned how to spell the words.
Spelling Bees
If you are in the Spelling Bees groups, click on the link below to find your group. You will see underneath that there is a suggestion for how to use flashcards to help learn your spellings, which I strongly suggest you do.
LO: To interpret charts
Today, both Year 5 and Year 6 are starting a new block of work: statistics. Over the next two weeks, we will be learning about charts, line graphs and timetables. This block will be continued in Summer Term for Year 6, who will progress to learning about pie-charts, once we have covered fractions, decimals and percentages.
LO: To collect information for a non-chronological report about Charles Dickens
Today we are going to collect information for writing 'non-chronological' reports about Charles Dickens. So far we have focused on 'chronological' information, by putting events in time order, but we are going to be writing about Dickens in 'not' time order. This is what 'non-chronological' means.
Instead, we will group similar information about him 'together', no matter when it happened. We might put all the information about his jobs together in one paragraph, or all the information about his books in another. We might also include one paragraph about books that have been made into films, or another about his work to support poor people. There are many different 'topics' that we could cover in different paragraphs about Charles Dickens.
Today, you will be researching and noting all the information that you can find about Charles Dickens.
Now, decide on what information you want to research. There are examples of sheets below which could help you, or you could decide on your own topics for each paragraph, such as:
Good afternoon Oak Class!
This week's work is all about REFRACTION!
Click on the PowerPoint below to find out more :)