St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 2's. I hope that you are all well. Our link for the Wednesday Word and our Literacy work is on our 'Everybody Week 6' page. Your maths work is below.
Don't forget our topic page has additional curriculum ideas for what to do, time permitting, during the course of the week.
Our Maths Learning
Warm your brain up with the quick fire game below. You can choose your level and challenge; just have a pen and paper handy to write your answers down.
Practical Activity
Use concrete objects or a copy of the objects below to practically solve the questions on the cards. You may like to record the answers in your green book, or onto the cards if you print them out. Or you can simply work practically to solve the challenges. This is tricky so don't be afraid to start on the one star challenge.