St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Galileo boys and girls,
We hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning! The Year 1 children in school were very busy yesterday; learning their sounds with Rosie, reading a non fiction book called 'At the Seaside', completing some maths work learning about beaches and we even managed some Drawing with Rob! Thank you so much for all those who continue to send emails and share on the school blog what you are doing at home, we know that you are very busy learning at home too. We hope to see you soon.
Here is the plan for today...
Continue to learn your sounds, words and spellings by completing the following Read, Write Inc. lessons:
There are quite a lot of videos to watch here so if you want to prioritise I would suggest choosing the tasks highlighted today.
Read the non-fiction book 'At the Seaside' again today. Once you have read the book answer the questions found at the back of the book, you will find these on pages 17 and 18. You can either talk about the text or write the answers in your Home Learning book.
Please continue to keep practising your handwriting. Remember to use your 'get ready' lines. Why not practise in your Home Learning book and remember to use your handwriting guide to help you (found in your first Home Learning pack). If there are certain letters you find tricky keep practising these and why not use your letter names rather than sounds when talking about what you are writing. Remember you can keep practising your handwriting with any writing task you do throughout the week, whether its spellings or story writing.
Today's maths lesson focuses on ordering numbers. Share the PowerPoint and discuss the following questions:
What method have you used to order the numbers?
Which number is first? second? third?
How many more objects in __ than __?
You then have a worksheet to complete ordering numbers. Remember to complete the level of challenge you think is right for you.
Choose your topic lesson for today from the Topic page. In school today the children will completing some Science work, learning about the parts of a plant. They will also be finishing off their Drawing with Rob task. Have a fun day.