Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 13th January

Good morning everyone! 

Well done to everyone who managed to write on the Padlets yesterday - it's really important that we try and stay in touch and that you can send me spelling scores and the maths homework scores.  If you haven't done that yet, there are two links below so you can type your score in.  I won't publish them, I'll just note your score and then delete the comment. :)

Check the Blog

Start off by checking the blog for today, if you haven't checked.  Don't forget that I'm awarding Dojo points for each piece of work that you post on the blog and for comments written underneath my daily message.


Wednesday Word

We are starting today with a Wednesday Word from Mrs Armstrong-Boyle.

My Maths

If you aren't up-to-date with your My Maths work, please spend some time today trying to catch up, as I will be setting new work at the end of the week.


Year 5

LO: To calculate the perimeter of rectangles

Today we are continuing to develop our understanding of perimeter by learning how to find the perimeter of rectangles. Use the teaching video to guide you through the lesson (there is a PowerPoint of the video but it has no voice over) and then answer the questions on the sheet.  You don't need printouts of this as all the information you need is written around the shapes.  Mark your work and if you can, send me a photo of it so that I can see it, either on the blog or on the class email. :)  Don't forget to try the True and False to test your understanding!


Year 6

LO: To translate a shape on a 4-quadrant grid

Today we are continuing to develop our understanding of co-ordinates and position, by learning how to translate shapes.  Translations are simply moving a shape on a co-ordinate grid without rotating it and making sure you move it the number of squares you are asked. 


Use the teaching video to guide you through the lesson (there is a PowerPoint of the video but it has no voice over) and then answer the questions on the sheet.  A printed copy would certainly help with some of these questions, but it is possible to cope without, by noting the coordinates of where the shape would be drawn.  Mark your work and if you can, send me a photo of it so that I can see it, either on the blog or on the class email. :)  Don't forget to try the True and False to test your understanding!

English - Charles Dickens Lesson 2

LO: To order and organise key events and information


Start off by watching the video from yesterday.  Here it is:

Today you are going to collect important events from Charles Dickens' life, noting down when they happened and then you're going to put those events in chronological order.


First, read the information in the texts below and write down on slips of paper the important events.


Next, arrange your dated events in chronological order (this means time order).

Look at the examples below to show how it could look.  The two bottom sheets could be used to help you complete it on paper.


If you would like to do this in a more creative way, you could think back to the story maps that we made for our walk through Whitby could add pictures to your events.


To simplify the task, just put your slips of paper in time order and glue them down.



Spend half an hour today making sure you are reading your book, then complete an activity card about what you read.  Here are the activity cards. 


LO: To create an animation

This term we are developing our understanding of Scratch.  I know that last week's lesson had some activities that we couldn't do, as the resources in the video had been taken off,  so today I'm starting something new, which we can work through each week. :)  If you didn't have a go at last week's lesson, don't worry about it, but you will need to access the Scratch programme here:

You can either download it to your device so you can use it offline, or click straight on 'Start creating' to use online.


LO: To collect examples of calligraphy.

Last week some of you shared some amazing sketches of vegetal, geometric or calligraphic art.  We will develop this further today.

Look at the document below and see if you can work out the answers to these questions

  1. What is calligraphy?
  2. What did it allow artists to do?
  3. What was it used for?
  4. What is the special book called?
Have a go at creating a sign for your bedroom door, using calligraphy, in a similar style.