St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning!
It was so lovely to see some of you yesterday at school and to help you get organised for your 'key-worker' learning. Thank you also to everyone who has managed to get on the blog. I've read your blog comments and awarded 3 Dojo Points to Isaac N, 2 to Lucy and 1 to everyone else who commented on my post from yesterday. Head on over to the blog now, if you haven't checked it yet.
192 times tables
Start off with a 192 test. I've saved them all below, in Excel and as PDFs.
I've also saved a game version which might be fun. :)
LO: To compare and order fractions using the numerator
Well, we have reached the last lesson of this week's maths. Some of the questions will have been tricky for you, so well done for having a go. You have been doing the lessons that the Year 6 would have been doing with me, had we been at school, so if you are a Year 5, extra well-done to you!
Today we will be continuing to order and compare fractions, but this time using the top number, or numerator, to help us. Watch the video, stopping and starting as needed and see how many of the questions you can do. Don't forget that the video teaches you how to do similar problems and you can watch it as many times as you need. Mark your work after and then have another go at the ones you got wrong.
I have also saved below some fractions games, which can be done as well as the White Rose lesson, or if your parent says, instead of.
Year 5 and 6:
Today we will finish our big spelling tests. If you have already done your Year 3/4 spelling test (from Tuesday and Wednesday) and haven't sent me your score, I'd love to see it. You could take a photo of your test and email it to me or you could put it on the blog. If you want to use the blog to send your score or photo, but DON'T want others to see the mark, just say so in your post and I'll read it without 'approving' it for the blog. If you are a Year 6 and in the Spelling Bees groups, then I recommend focusing on these tests and practising the words you got wrong.
Year 6: Here are the Year 5/6 statutory words. There are a lot of words so you don't have to test yourself on all of them at once, but try to do them at some point over the next few days. I'd love to know which words you got right.
Year 5: You have a choice - you can either have a go at the Year 5/6 spelling words, or do the spelling activities below.
Against the Clock
Click on the link and select 'Against the Clock'.
Click on 'Play as a single player' as no login is needed.
Listen to the word and the word used in the sentence.
Write the word in the empty white box and press 'check' to see if you are right.
Little Bird Spelling
Click on the link and select Y3/4 at the top of the 'fence'.
Each 'bird box' is a different set of Y3/4 words. Choose the red one at the start and you will see the first set of words.
Click on the word 'go' in the green circle.
A word will appear.
Click on the first letter card to spell that word the word will disappear.
Your job is to remember the order of the letters to spell the word. Do this by dragging up the correct letters in the right order.
It's the last of the reading tasks for this week and today I've posted some reading activities to do with our brand new topic for the Spring Term...The Golden Ages! This is a change from what we had originally planned to learn about, so it's really exciting for us all.
Below is a text to read and copies of the reading activity cards.
Choose a few of the activities on the card and complete them, using the text to help you. You don't need a printer for this.
I've also added some additional optional activities for you, if you wish to do them, but some would require a printer.
Computing - Scratch Games Unit
Introducing Variables
This term we should be continuing to use the software 'Scratch' to develop our understanding of computer programming. This unit of work from 'Oak Academy' will cover the outcomes that we were going to be covering in school.
In lesson 1, you will learn about what a 'variable' is and try some new skills.
You will need to have 'scratch' downloaded onto your devices so here are some links which will take you to where they can be downloaded.
Alternative Computing Lesson
If you are unable to download Scratch, (or you would like to do a bit more) I will be posting an alternative lesson each week, all about 'communication' . This will develop your understanding of using search engines. Here is the link!