Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone and well done for all of your hard work this week. smileyMrs Rogers and I have nearly been blown away to Kenya in amazement at your creativity and enthusiasm this week. heart

***A little reminder that we have our Zoom meeting today at 10am. The link to this is on my (Mrs Davies) blogging page from yesterday afternoon.  We hope to see you there!***I have set a pre Zoom meeting task for you below!!! Just before our writing task!


I cannot tell you how happy I was to see so many examples of your work this week via the emails yesterday. I apologise that I haven't responded to them all yet; my internet connection kept crashing last night which made it a very slow process trying to download the wonderful photographs you have sent in.crying I will include a couple I have downloaded below but will prepare a celebratory slide show ready for Monday. Don't ever worry if your work isn't there on a particular day; it's not that we don't think it fabulous; we just try to cover a range of work over different days. smiley

To give you a sneeky peek at some of your wonderful work, here are just a few to keep you going until Monday!

Rowan's Maasai tribe inspired necklace - I think I'd like one just like this!

Great work Rowan. I love your model of Lila's home. Here are Alanna's models of the buildings in Nairobi, Kenya, her globe showing Kenya and the equator and the mud hut buildings. Wonderful lego models!

Aren't these great? Lots more to follow on Monday! smiley


Our learning today...


Today we will be;

  • A message to prepare for our Zoom meeting! Details below...
  • Writing about the contrasting pictures we drew yesterday of Lila's life compared to our own. The pictures you drew will be your inspiration!
  • Speed sounds with Rosie - available for 24 hours from 9.30am each day
  • 10 am our Zoom meeting. 
  • Maths - will be set via 'My Maths' today. I don't want to overload everyone on a Friday when our Zoom will take up some of your time too!
  • PE - after a wet couple of days, the weather today looks brighter so enjoy some fresh air or join Joe Wicks at any point in the day for a work out. I will also post the link to the sessions posted by our after school sports providers, PAS. 
  • Our afternoon learning; Religion - where we hear the story of when Jesus was taken to the temple as a baby and why this was a special celebration.

Message to prepare before our Zoom meeting...smiley


 We all know it isn't quite the same not being in school together and we know you are doing your very best to keep happy, positive and to do your school work at home. I am sure we all have days however (mums and dads too!) where we might find it harder to keep going, keep smiling and do what we need to do. 

So, I wonder if we could all take a piece of A4 paper and write a message of love, hope,  encouragement or just a happy message to keep going, to keep strong and to know that we will all be back together again soon. 

Our message will be to everyone; not just to one friend. I don't want to do too many examples because it's nice for you message to come from your heart heart, but it might be along the lines of...


Keep smiling... we will be back together again soon!

Your work is amazing - keep going!


Be creative and you can decorate it if you like too. We will share our messages in our Zoom meeting. You can read it out or just hold it up!yes

Our Writing Task - writing about the pictures we drew yesterday to show the differences between our life and Lila's

Part 1 of my instructions

Still image for this video

Part 2 of my instructions

Still image for this video

Speed sounds with Rosie


If everyone follows the set 3 sound today which is 'ew.'

The longer words today (year 2 and any eager year 1's) are based on the sound 'ear.' Just follow the link below...

Our Maths Learning Today


It's been a busy week and you have had a busy line up today too, so I am just setting the 'My Maths' as your work today. This will be an opportunity to catch up on any my maths you haven't yet completed. I will also put a few extra games on to practice your skills. If you collected a worksheet pack from school, your remaining sheet will be needed for Monday.yes


Follow the link below to your 'My Maths' page. If anyone has lost their log in details just let us know and we will resend them. smiley

Log on to Espresso to practice these games...

To login our details are; 

Enter username;  student6922 and password;  pauls321


Join Joe, take some outdoor exercise or join Mark and the team from PAS for some fun activites!


I know some of you may have your own sports activities to practice so do take the time to do these too! I'm going to head towards the airport for a walk later. I'm usually there when the sun goes down!smiley



PE With Joe 2021 | Wednesday 20th Jan

There should be a new video posted today after this morning's live lesson if you have already done Wednesday's workout!

No. 7 - 5 minutes of fitness

Here's a real test of endurance! Can anyone complete the 100 star jumps and 200 spotty dogs and then have time left to complete some down ups? Good luck and ...

Religion - To know that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple as a baby and that this was a special occasion.


I wonder if any of you think you recognise this story? It is not long after Jesus was born...



The presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Some questions to think about...


Who do you think is in the picture?

What do you think is happening?

Who is the baby?

Why is the baby being held up?

Where are this taking place?

Why do you think we can see a candle?


Let's now listen to the story and see how many predictions you got right!..



First read of the story...

Still image for this video

Read aloud the story from the powerpoint. See if you can answer the questions on the final slide. Are any words left out of this version compared to what I just read to you? Are these words important? What do they tell us?

Please record your thoughts about the picture and questions below. If you don't have a printer you can record your answers on paper.

Have a wonderful day everyone!smiley