St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
We read a poem today about how God created the world. We used props and actions to say the poem. We thought about all the amazing things that God has created and reflected on what we felt was Gods most beautiful part of creation and why.
We continued our topic of God's World by thinking about how much God loves us. We read the story "Guess how much I love you?" By Sam McBratney. This gave us lots of ideas about how much God loves us!
Our topic for the first half of the autumn term is God's World. We began this topic by reading 'Owl babies' by Martin Wadell. We discussed how the baby owls love their mummy very much and she loves them. We discussed who we love in our lives and then drew them.
This is Willow Class' prayer area. The children are able to come here to offer a prayer and listen to a Bible story.