Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 14th July

Good morning to all the Galileo boys, girls and parents,


We hope that you have had a good start to the final week of the school year. This afternoon Mrs Davies and I will be drawing the raffle for this term's Bob and Dougal prizes.  We will add a video so you can find out whether you have won! Well done to you all for your hard work over the past few months, both children and parents. We have loved you sharing the work that you have been busy doing at home. 


As mentioned on yesterday's web page, the children's reports and books are available for collection from the school office at 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday). 

***ALERT YEAR 2'S*** Log on to the blogging page and look for Mrs Smith's blog to find the link to today's Zoom meeting at 1.30pm this afternoon.This is to give you all the chance to meet Mrs Smith in preparation for moving into Keller Class in September. Mrs Smith would love to see you there.smiley


Here is the plan for today...


Please keep practising your reading by watching the Read, Write Inc. videos. In school the children are really enjoying the videos and are definitely benefiting from the regular teaching of the sounds, reading the words and spelling. Today I would suggest watching the following videos:


  • Reading Longer Words (sounds 'oy'/'oi')
  • Spellings (sound 'ire')
  • Read and Hold a Sentence 2
Over the holidays we would love you to keep reading. We want this to be an fun experience and so we have got a Summer Reading Challenge for you! Complete the tasks on the sheet and return it in September. If you complete all the challenges then you get a special certificate!  The sheet is available to download below, but we will also print a copy out for you and have it available for you to collect tomorrow, with your books and reports. Don't forget that you can continue to access the ebooks from the Oxford Owl website if you want a good range of books to read. You could start this challenge today. smiley

Spellings and Handwriting

Please continue to keep practising the sets of spellings over the holidays as this will be good preparation for the start of Year 3. The full spellings list has a separate star on the Galileo web pages (link below). The spellings in green boxes are Year 2 spellings and those in yellow boxes are common exception words which children should know by the end of Year 2, so please keep working on all these words. It also doesn't harm to keep recapping some of the Year 1 words ( blue boxes) too. I have attached a copy of the Complex Sound Chart which you may find helpful. Encourage your child to use their Fred Fingers and the Complex Sound Chart when spelling words, they should be familiar with this startegy from completing Read, Write Inc. spellings.


Over the holidays it would be great if your child could also continue to practise their handwriting, focusing on joining. This can be encouraged whenever your child is doing any writing at home. 

Complex Sound Chart

Our Maths Learning for Today...


Today we look at arrays and how these sets of objects or patterns can be represented by repeated addition sentences or as a multiplication sentence. 

Watch the teaching video below; pausing when asked to answer the challenges...


Now see how far you can get on the questions below...

Worksheet questions for today

If you sail through this then pick another couple of challenges from the ones below...

Start from page 26; but don't look at the answers. Or I've included a few to choose from below (without the answers.)


Here is the link to the topic page so you can choose an activity for this afternoon. smiley
