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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 2nd July

Good morning!

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Literacy activity

Rewatch the story of the mixed up Chameleon from earlier in the week.


Today you are going to be creating your own 'mixed up animal'. Choose 3 or 4 animals that you could mix up to create a new animal!

For example, you might choose; 

the legs of a horse, so the animal could run fast,

the mane of a lion, to look ferocious,

the claws of a sloth to climb up trees and the tail of a monkey to swing through the jungle!

Draw your new animal and give it a name. Explain why you have chosen the different parts.

Maths activity

Today you will be consolidating your knowledge of place value to 100.

To start with warm up your maths brains with the power point below.

Once your brains are warm (!) ask someone in your house to cut up the 100 square on the resources into the chunks of colour. Your job is to see if you can put the 100 square jigsaw back together!

If you wish to challenge yourself further, there is also an online 100 square jigsaw you can complete.

Afternoon activities

Please see our afternoon activity page to choose an activity 🙂.

Have a lovely evening Drake class!

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