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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Autumn 2


Please check the plan below to find the  current week . This will let you know the learning objective. Then, follow the link to watch and work through the   'White Rose Maths'  videos for the correct day!


This term in class, we will be learning about the author Dick King-Smith. We will read The Hodgeheg and do work related to this book, as well as writing a biography about Dick King-Smith.   Although, there aren't online lessons to directly support this, please feel free to  watch the videos below to hear  and follow along with the story. 

Follow the link for Oak Academy Lessons about sentence types.  Don't forget to keep practicing your spellings and read every day!

There are also 2 units from Talk for Writing by Pie Corbett, which you can work your way through. 


The Hodgeheg Part 1

The Hodgeheg Part 2

The Hodgeheg Part 3



Below are links to science lessons from the Oak National Academy which will cover the same objectives that we are learning in school. 



Follow the links for lessons from the Oak National Academy for lessons about Europe. 
