St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good Morning, Sorry I can't be with you this morning again.
Registration & dinners
Watch Dan & Emily from One Life Music for this morning's prayer & reflection
Maths - Those who usually get 192, can complete activities on Purple Mash. Everyone else, do the work on arrays. The sheet below will need printing and copying.
After play, RE - The Visit of the 3 Wise Men. Work through the powerpoint below. You will also need drawing paper. (Slightly smaller than A5, so that it fits in the the books)
There will probably be a rehearsal this afternoon. If not, you can do the English work about inverted commas.
If any extra time, there is a show and tell list on the board and also Stig of the Dump to read.