St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
St Paul's has got talent!
It's usually about this time of year when we are all getting excited about the prospect of the St. Paul's got Talent! This year we would still love to celebrate the fabulous talents of our school! If you would like to take part please can you either film a short video up to 30 seconds long or send a picture of your talent. As we can include pictures this year if you would like to show a piece of art or a model you have made this would be a great addition to some of the talents we normally see. Please send your talent pictures and emails to Mrs Smith on her class address
We look forward to seeing your talent!!
We hope you are continuing to learn your sounds with Rosie by watching the Read, Write Inc. lessons. The lessons are available from 9.30am, but you can watch them anytime within 24 hours. Please watch and join in with the following videos:
You may also want to have another go at the additional activity called 'Read and Hold a Sentence'.
Animal Challenge
This week we are going to listen to another animal story. 'The mixed up chameleon' by Eric Carle. You will find the link below to watch the story. After you have listened to the story have a chat about the animals in the story and which ones you like and why. Then in your green home learning book choose your favourite animal and draw a picture of it and write what you like about that animal and why you have chosen it as your favourite. Remember to include lots of features about the animal and words to describe it, eg I wish I could be a tall giraffe because I could see over roof tops and I have a long rough tongue to reach the leaves at the top of the branches.
To warm your number brains up why not have a go at the 1 more, 1 less game below. You can make it as challenging as you like by setting which numbers you want to go up to.
Afternoon activities
Follow the link below to have a go at one of our topic activities.