St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Hi Oak children and families, if you haven't already done so, then head to the class blog for a message from me and the details for todays' Kahoot!
Today you have:
If your house is anything like mine then you will have lots of odd socks! Where do socks disappear to!? Well, today we will be making use of our socks in PE!
Below are the sources you will need to investigate in order to complete your mission!
PSHE - LO. To describe the dreams and goals of young people in a culture different to mine and reflect on how these relate to my own.
I would like you to work through the lesson I have created for you, following the instructions carefully. The fact file reading resources, including an alternative option, are linked below along with the gold, silver or bronze activities.
Oak Class 'Hit the Button.'
I would like you to play the ‘Hit the Button’ game for the eight times table. If you are happy to, post your personal best on the class blog (the most you get correct in 1minute!) Next week, we will focus on another times table.
If this isn’t your thing, then have a competition with yourself! Record your best score today and set yourself a goal to beat it! Or play ‘Beat the Parent,’ get someone at home to have a go and see if you can beat their score!