Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 1st April

Wednesday 1st April 2020


Good morning everyone! 

First of all, go to the Daily Routines page to join our new P.E. teacher, Joe Wicks, who will start your day off energetically.  I've heard it's a fancy dress session on Friday, so make sure you get those photos of your costumes on the blog!


I've not set an English lesson today, as I'd like you to just have some time to continue your nature diaries and daily diaries, when ever you feel like it!

So, see below for today's learning opportunities!


LO: To calculate the area of compound shapes

  1. Use the video to learn about finding the area of compound shapes
  2. Look at the True and False - the first page - and warm up your brain with some thinking - is the statement true or false and how do you know?  The answer is on the second page of this document
  3. Y5: Area of compound shapes: This activity is the next step to what you did yesterday and gets harder as you work through it.  Year 6 can do this too, if you're at the start of your learning journey.
  4. Y6/ Y5: The practise sheet contains questions similar to the one shown in the video and has a few tips on it.  I think year 6 should start here.  Year 5 could try this as a challenge. 
  5. Y6: Extra Challenge - getting trickier for those of you who are ready!
  6. Y6: Area and Perimeter: Combining what we've learned this week, the questions on the first page are pretty easy, but there are some good problems on the second page!

I'm suggesting year groups for these activities based on what is expected of the different year groups, but as always, you are free to decide where you start on your journey, through the wonderful world of Compound Area. 

Learn how to work out the area of a compound shape


LO: To make links between the washing of the feet and what Jesus wanted to teach his disciples

1) Watch the first video for the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples

2) Open the PowerPoint (or PDF) and follow the instructions - the last slide has some tasks on it it carefully...then...

3) ... watch the second video which will help you with one of the tasks, which are to:

4) Create a comic strip storyboard of the story (use the first video or the text in the PowerPoint to help you) - there is a sheet to print but you could also do it in your book instead

5) Complete the response task - there is a sheet provided but you can do it in your books if you can't print

6) And here is the art...look again at all of the paintings on the PowerPoint.  Can you create your own piece of art, telling the story and showing the reactions of the disciples?

Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet

This Bible story is based on John 13: 1-17.

Why was it important that Jesus washed his disciples' feet?


LO: To create your own sounds by recording, editing and playing

Below, is a PowerPoint (or PDF) which you need to follow for today's lesson.  The activity sheets tell you how to use Audacity during the lesson and there are also two help sheets for you and a special guide for your parents! 


Don't rush to get this done; have fun with it during the holidays.  I'd love for you to send some short recordings though, maybe with your voice included, which we can save on the class web page for everyone to hear.  (Make sure you say something lovely, Brunel Class!)  wink


Something a bit different for our mindfulness session today...

I keep hearing the expression "All in this together" on the television and as a result I've had this High School Musical song in my head all week.  Singing and dancing are scientifically proven to improve mood, reduce anxiety and increase happiness.  So, get your family around you and join in with the song - the lyrics are on the screen - get your parents having a go at the dance, even grab those instruments if you have them, and let yourselves go!

High School Musical 1 - We're All in This Together (Lyrics) 1080pHD

High School Musical 1 - We're All in This Together (Lyrics) 1080pHD
