St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Galileo class,
We welcome back some of the Year 1 boys and girls to our class today. It will be lovely to see some of their smiley faces. We miss seeing our wonderful Year 2 children and hope we get to see you all again soon.
Here is the plan for today...
We hope you are continuing to learn your sounds with Rosie by watching the Read, Write Inc. lessons. The lessons are available from 9.30am, but you can watch them anytime within 24 hours. Please watch and join in with the following videos:
These four videos are key to developing reading and writing skills. There are parts of the lesson which involves reviewing what they have previously learnt. Reviewing previous learning is important as it is making your child more confident reading and writing with these sounds. The new videos (Reading Red Words and Reading Longer Words) are essential to support your child become a more fluent reader.
It's time to have a little spelling test and start learning some new spellings! Please test your child on the spellings from last week and then give them a new set of spellings to learn. Remember to carry on practising any spellings your child struggled with previously.
Today's maths lesson is similar to the lesson you had on Thursday. It is another problem solving lesson which doesn't have the usual PowerPoint as part of the lesson. The problem solving questions today focus on addition and subtraction and shape. I have included two short PowerPoint presentations, which are 'warm up' tasks, to get your brains into gear for your challenges. The answers are included so please check once you have completed the questions.
Choose a topic lesson for each day from our topic page. The children in school today will be doing some Geography work learning about beaches and creating posters. There are other lessons to choose from too including music and a kindness challenge!