St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 1's,
I hope you are having a good week so far. Haven't the weeks flown by? I think today should be a lovely, warm day so make the most of some outdoor play this afternoon!
Most of our learning is on our 'Everybody Week 7' page, (click on the link below for a short cut), but your maths work is below...
Our Maths Learning
Hopefully you now understand the concept of a half being two equal parts, so we will move on to finding a half of a quantity. In this lesson we will work practically using counters to find a half using the concept of sharing equally into two parts. Ask questions such as:
How many altogether?
How many equal parts are we splitting it into to find a half?
Does this quantity represent half?
How can we check our answer.
A half of __ = __.
___ is a half of ___.
You will need some concrete apparatus to half different amounts;maybe use coins, counters, pasta or smarties/ sweets (if you can work with them without eating them all up!)